# POP3/IMAP GUI Client
# Daha Modern
IMAP Komutları
1 LOGIN username password #User's login.
1 LIST "" * #Lists all directories.
1 CREATE "INBOX" #Creates a mailbox with a specified name.
1 DELETE "INBOX" #Deletes a mailbox.
1 RENAME "ToRead" "Important" #Renames a mailbox.
1 LSUB "" * #Returns a subset of names from the set of names that the User has declared as being active or subscribed.
1 SELECT INBOX #Selects a mailbox so that messages in the mailbox can be accessed.
1 UNSELECT INBOX #Exits the selected mailbox.
1 FETCH 1 all #Retrieves data associated with a message in the mailbox.
1 FETCH 1 body.peek[]
1 CLOSE Removes #all messages with the Deleted flag set.
1 LOGOUT #Closes the connection with the IMAP server.
Pop3 Komutları
USER username Identifies the user.
PASS password Authentication of the user using its password.
STAT Requests the number of saved emails from the server.
LIST Requests from the server the number and size of all emails.
RETR id Requests the server to deliver the requested email by ID.
DELE id Requests the server to delete the requested email by ID.
CAPA Requests the server to display the server capabilities.
RSET Requests the server to reset the transmitted information.
QUIT Closes the connection with the POP3 server.